Frequently asked questions.

Do you ship Internationally?

Yes we absolutely do! We ship regularly to the USA, Canada and UK, however we have also shipped to places such as Japan, Germany, Chile, Mexico, Israel, and Italy to name a few. We ship via Australia Post (Standard Parcel with tracking). As we are all probably aware by now, exact shipping timeframes are a little hard to accurately predict (thanks Covid!) and we always suggest that if you are needing an item for a particular date please reach out to us in the first instance and we can provide recommendations and do our very best to ensure that it will arrive to you by the date you need. As a general rule international shipping timeframes are around 12 business days, and we have listed some common locations we ship below;

Shipping to the USA : 6-12 business days
Shipping to Canada : 6-12 business days
Shipping to New Zealand : 7-12 business days
Shipping to UK : 6-12 business days

How do I measure my dog? Do you have standard sizes available?

You can view our measuring guide here . The most important thing is to ensure your dog is in a standing position whilst measuring, but don’t stress too much about getting measurements down to the mm! Often you can get slightly different measurements each time you measure, we do allow a little extra room to measurements, and if any measurements seem a little off to us (we spend a LOT of time looking at measurements) we will reach out to you to double check, to do our very best to ensure you end up with a coat that is a perfect fit for your pooch.

We do also have a standard Great Dane and Greyhound size which we have based off the high number of measurements for these two breeds that we have received over the years. You can view our size chart information in the images on each individual listings, please note that size charts can be different based on the style of the coat.

How long before my order is shipped?

The time we need to prepare orders will depend on which range you have purchased from, you can find what range each particular item is by reading to the bottom of the individual listing description.

Ready-made : Ready-made items are in stock, ready to send and will be shipped within 2 business days of ordering. Often these are one-off or limited editions and we do try our best to add to these as often as we can. Please always ensure you check the size information of these coats (which can be found in the description) to ensure they are a good fit for your dog. You can view our current ready-made coats here.

Made-to-order : These are coats, sweaters and jumpers that are made in our standard great dane or greyhound sizes, we will need up to 10 business days to make your order (although we of course do our very best to get them completed asap for you). You can view our made-to-order range here.

Custom-made : Our custom-made option is for items that we craft specifically to your dog’s own unique measurements and we will need up to 16 business days to create your order (good things take time ;-)!) Again we always do our best to complete orders as soon as we can. You can view our custom-made range here.

I am after a coat in a specific colour/pattern that I cannot find listed, can you help?

Absolutely! We love working with clients to create something unique and extra special, so if you have something particular in mind please don’t hesitate to get in touch.